Beautiful Blemishes

4 min readNov 1, 2019
Faulty Fanfare, Photo by BradensEye with deep curtsy to Spike Lee at the Salt Lake Film Society

Shortcomings should be seen as a speedier path to greatness. Anyway, the name bears a quicker route, as in a shorter distance coming to a conclusion. (A minor digression for a punny wordsmith here.) Those wearing their all-flaws honesty out loud have a better chance for riding the wings of illumination. I lean in that acceptance consent is as vital and powerful as sexual consent. Hardly exclusive to the feminine kind, how others see or perceive us matters across every proverbial board, Board room, border, and minutes we log in our lives. In fact, I weigh on the side of expert experiential development that heightens when people are applauded less than insulted for faults. Whether personal or professionally, revamping your foibles by turning them into thought-provoking tools for teaching, connection, and progress is compelling. Brandishing our beautiful blemishes is the underpinning for a better striking, spicy, and peaceful planet.

It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own. ~Marcus Tullius Cicero

The “I can see yours, but don’t have any of my own” syndrome plagues most of us at some points. It could be that we need to feel superior due to a lack happening in our attention field, or we got triggered to defend when listening to someone speaking nearby pointing out mistakes, so we deflect with adding our critique too. This finger-pointing cause to notice the exterior errors surrounding us, yet with failure to caretake any individual bugs in our system is silly. Equally, the ever-outward looking technique will merely land you in detrimental waters eventually. The deception of hiding drawbacks only lends you further trouble. Perfection is precisely its own vice. Typically, the closer we delve toward any epitome we lose luster, creativity, and character. You have to know that every single human has imperfections. Even the friendliest people might drive someone else insane with their seeming inability to unravel. Applying the idea of leading with your idiosyncrasies is key.

It is not so much the being exempt from faults, as having overcome them, that is an advantage to us. ~Alexander Pope

Some kinks have become kinky, an unconventional turn-on to certain strains of liking. While different defects might not so easily be switched to a group of promising proponents. I submissively yield that owning our liabilities through a commitment to self just as we are, and blunder along, intentionally build self-equity. With extra loyalty to self-interest, by means of actualizing how we occur and in terms of presenting what interests we elect, may garner us improved treatment. In many ways, the flare of our spoils melts into well-greased oils for commanding increased authority wherever we enjoy. Our fractures need not be historical comparison nor huge to wager their imprinting impact. The discovery of famed leaders conquering elements has usually been enough to keep my sights set on inclusive actions centered around mending any mode of self-defeat. True victory is loyally related to authenticity.

One day when I was studying with Schoenberg, he pointed out the eraser on his pencil and said, ‘This end is more important than the other.’ ~John Cage, Silence

Maybe it will amuse, or perhaps resonate with you, that I generally use a thesaurus coupled with Grammarly-light (I call it; i.e. the non-premium version to do basic checkups on my writings, since this has never been my strong suit). Editing of self and else is a necessary evil to some extent. When we see that a freckle gives us personality in lieu of poisonous attacks we hold our head higher, shoulders back, moving with more of a waltz. I’ve found the same goes for what at first I saw as unsightly large dark moles creeping all over my face and body as I’ve aged. Instead, I’d prefer to uphold That Time the French Aristocracy was Obsessed With Sexy Face Stickers. Talk about a way to make a gal feel beautimous! But, there’s nothing like a sweeping internet search to give one a boost if Googling the right matches. Working with our tarnishes is often about implementing alterations. Carry this into thought, words, and deeds. Our ability to make changes is a very large part of walking the walk. Any journey is packed with seizing anomalies as opportunities.

Trust no friend without fault… ~Doris Lessing

I admit it’s harder for me to establish faith when anything is too glossy. Take my sister’s new feline friend. Word on the rescue street is that they’re not quite sure what accident gave this stray all his quirks. Oh so similar to the beloved Wounded Warriors who’ve fought for the love of our country, this furry has merely fought to be loved. That he comes to our family a bit clumsy, drooling as he purrs, known to lose balance possibly due to his pudgy paws, he’s superficially missing the customary elegant creature stature. I dig such subtleties of humanity and hardness. I believe it’s easier to work from the distortions of my page speckled full of jumbled opinions or stories. The blank setting is a wild canvas indeed, but not nearly so fabulously florid as its counterpart. Frankly, I think it’s a meatier treat to hang with the clans who embrace their irregularities. I feel open within their presence. I take comfort in the type of skill they reflect by possessing self-assurance without the need of any ornate confessional about any fallacies.

Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours. ~Phillips Brooks

May we flawfully accept others with wondrous grace.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.