Blooming Benches Blues

4 min readApr 5, 2024
Kindling, Photo by BradensEye featuring as found 2023 at a Greenport gem


with enthusiasm
benches blues

Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring. ~Lilly Pulitzer

Living has recently been staging a military coup against my usual speedy access to nirvana. Two of the dearest people I’ve ever known gained their angel wings, my family dealing with funeral arrangements plus Celebration of Life finagling in multiple states for those coming from many locations, a bestie’s hubby lays perilously on life support in ICU, a second girlfriend is battling mold and incessant leakage in her Los Angeles apartment amid continual local flood threats, another close male mate’s marriage is in jeopardy with his first-attempt counseling thwarted simply because the health center only had his partner’s name on the list, and a different couple somewhat defiantly encountering relocation from the elder’s retirement home under drastically divergent financial assumptions compared to their real estate ‘pros’. Theatrics of the absurd for the whole bunch. While I’ve been hitting the heights on my pillars of parsing out myself to keep much of them propped up.

Exhaustive emotions can’t help but be on the rise with the interconnected heat-leavening season. We’re hypothetically just meant to trudge through and beyond it all. Still, these feelings are f’ed up. Vandalism of our vagus nerve occurs from all species of spoils. Things that offensively bully our balance. From your daily garden variety of stresses such as the empty Smartwater bottles stacked castle with the dirty socks moat in the teen son’s room or the fact that dishes do not fully wash themselves to the milieu of more merciless interruptions as noted above. Thus, even when the cosmos has stalled a lot of our structure, we can consciously counter it. We must arm ourselves with easy options. It might not be a cakewalk, yet could be a literal walk, in the comfort capacity to put your booty in the mood. Removing strata of our crappy scenarios. A monument of movement to circulate fresh changes about your periphery.

Set your intentions ~Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd

Atlasing requires allies. We ought to accept solely what we can handle. Although, enneagramatically being a servant genuinely envelops the precision of neediness with release moments. Often I wish there were a caretakers concierge. A hotline of sorts that anyone could call and they’d rattle off all of these uncomplicated plans that one may swiftly seize. Therefore, let me introduce your environmental sentry, your real eco ambiance. Welcome to getting frisky with the fleurs and moor. That’s my medicinal motto of late. A replanting of my tushy into places that caress my concerns on autopilot. Stepping away from our own to all the global stuff toppling in all directions. Where I merely have to exit the building to rewrite any affront to my soul. I adore it when I don’t have to want too hard. To fling open the door or windows to view and sense all the way to the depths of my marrow that the array I’m beholding outdoors is painted for my seduction.

Hence, for the past three weeks, I’ve made myself arise with enough time every morning to do this specified strolling loop that I created with little traffic around my sister’s neighborhood. Each lap, almost exactly twenty-five minutes of respite. I’m doing this mini-exercise for a trio of reasons. Essentially, when I look in the mirror trying to see the sexiest reaction to me, I’ve got donut holes to tons of fried chicken and chips staring back at me. My high blood pressure is the BFF of this blubber monster that has taken up residence about my curves since my mid-2020 skin cancers rocked me solidly off the then 167 pounds surfing slim I’d scored with a forty-pound loss, flipping me over 200 on the scale. Secondly, long ago I learned the length of sanity that embeds to jumpstart my day if I heed this regimen of perambulating. Thirdly, nature is the most generous mother from whom one could ever hope to receive. She’s always offering her blossoms. Find yours.

emFLOWERment, Photo by BradensEye featuring the shop wall of Sang Lee Farms

Falling in love with spring does a body good.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.