Capturing Our Moments

5 min readSep 20, 2019


Seizing a Day, Sorta Selfie Photo by BradensEye with besties

How we strive to be remembered! An arsenal of personally pleasing mementos is a priceless gift. Our modern era is etched with tchotchkes to images galore. While many are swapping their whopping tangible souvenir collections through digital means, we’re all still heavily tied to a treasured stockpile of keepsakes. Nowadays, so much more of what we’ve done is documented externally from the mere recordings in our brains. Ceaseless options to get every sample of every season are made easily available, if but with a price tag for the prettiest production. We have old fashioned cameras to all types of techie phones to catch photos and videos. The journal and blank-book industry of selling paper selections to scribe or scrapbook our sequences are abundant. My own passion for photography remains a creative irony. I’ve barely wished to see it blossom outside my own endeavoring, simply for the sake of control. I prefer to shield myself from artistic oversight. Hence, no attempts in monetizing my photographic skills thus far. All despite the more than 110,00 shots piled in an elusive ‘cloud’. As we seek the capturing of our moments, I’m called to query the value of how we look not to forget.

The hurricane flooded me out of a lot of memorabilia, but it can’t flood out the memories. ~Tom Dempsey

Imagining the aeons where there was neither picture footage nor phoning it in is such a foreign concept. Even before writing down one’s sentiments or memoirs with quill upon archaic parchment, humans merely had their voices to carry waves of remembrance onward. Lovingly tucked into my storage are a few cherished VHS videotapes. There’s a grainy 1970’s beach trip with my family and my godmother’s family on a private South Carolina coastal isle. Also, a 1992 homemade wrap (end of filmmaking) gift from my first paid entertainment production adventure, featuring The Beatles song Why Don’t We Do It In The Road(since we were shooting all over varied road locations we closed down during filming). Another jewel of my movie career era is a preparatory makeup-test of Al Pacino for a role as Manuel Noriega (that was shelved and never happened). These items are ripe for digitizing before they disintegrate, but I’ve not managed to make the time nor cost line up as yet. The sharing of showing such gems to anyone I care about holds an enchantment, along with ever-growing media debates about proof. The nobility of storytelling has become a rare source I’d appreciate watching reflourish.

Things don’t really impress me. Memories impress me. It’s not the toys, it’s the people. ~R.A. Salvatore

I suppose our obsession with snaring every second from a poop to prom or promotion is rooted in that pinch of knowing we are alive. This world wears a layer of mystery I doubt anyone will ever uncover completely. I, for one, love an intellectual brain-teaser. All of us roaming on a twirling rock, powered by a giant star, with all sorts of wacky bits and bobs thrown in is quite the whodunit playful paradox. Nostalgically savoring everything under the sun makes sense in this regard. Eventually, I believe that which lures our commemoration accumulation is the actual quality of what we keep. When we preserve with contentment our contents are less based in braggart peacocking. We no longer need to prove we have prized friends or objects. It becomes enough that we are capable of having flashbacks providing the same promise for a stunning stretch of ages. I’ll readily admit that running my fingers across the lines of old letters to dear friends, a piece of poetry about my first boyfriend, or tattered stills of me from girl to woman are embossed with emotional weight. Regardless, conversations I may have with others about these stages of my history are the captivating representation of grander rewards.

I collect memories. I look for opportunities to try new things, go to new places, and meet new people all of the time. ~Marcel Wanders

In general theory, no one can steal your memories. Belongings might get lost, whither, or could be taken from us. On the other hand, our autobiography is ours to create. You can’t take away a single interaction, exploit, fulfillment, or fumble I accomplished. (Indeed, I see faultiness as added applause to me figuring myself out longitudinally too.) Every original or revisited occasion trends more marvels to influence our intuitive psychology. Therefore, considering your presence in capturing your moments is paramount. Try to watch if you are one of those more focused on selfies and snapping pictures or are you able to exist with life around you in real-time. My mental progress shines like a streaking star when I have a fresh travel plan, different location, unique communication, unusual innovation to learn, or a special gathering of persons to attend. Capturing our moments is not a requirement of evidence that we were here. Amassing magnificent memories over material things is key.

I’m always grateful for any kind of moment that keeps my memories alive and gives me a little taste of the excitement I used to get all the time. ~Bret Hart

Stay alert in your ability to consume the depth of your instances. The glory of any great token of our time is that all are permanently planted for our ongoing access. Offering our varied years the sweetness of knowing our youth, the divine highlights, the magic minutes we stood at the shores of this globe or grasped an inch of grandeur often combats the aging game. Echoing our beloved heyday extends our sensation of worthiness. It’s stimulating to recount the loves we’ve lusted through, lands we traversed, and companies we crafted or waged war in crumbling to benefit others. We may use our reminiscence as fuel to foster our present and whatever designated future goals. Entire thriving careers having bloomed from the notion of occupying awareness within our being in the moment. Authors, inspiring motivational speakers to business leaders, scientists and therapists alike essentially boast about the cerebral octane that comes with cognitive happiness. Harvesting and holding wholly satisfying memories is gratitude we owe it to ourselves to continue to generate. Our lives mean that much more to us when we reflect upon them with pensive praise.

The one thing I need to leave behind is good memories. ~Michael Landon

May living in your moments receive your best attention and intentions.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.