Dream Believin’

4 min readOct 31, 2018
Halloweena Ballerina: Remnants of My First Life Dream, Photo with Sis from BradensEye Family Archives

Dreaming costs nothing, yet its benefit is invaluable. We dream asleep. We daydream. We dream aloud proclaiming to trusted friends, family, God, therapists, life coaches, the universe, the clouds or even cows absentmindedly chewing away in the fields who might understand our pride and plea. Having a dream gives us hope, drive, and direction. Dreaming calls on us to show up often beyond our comfort zones or predicated predicaments. Dreams are the electricity to light our pathways in life.

You are the sole, and soul, master of whatever you truly want to be. Your dreams can come from your own creation, imagination, someone you admire, or anyone you know intimately or otherwise who’s done so before you. Some of us prefer to mimic the dreams of another. Many of us want a wholly unique set of terms in life. In special instances, I’ve precisely dreamed of something during the night that in my waking state became a narrative for the home I covet, the man I wish to be with, and places I’ve longed to visit. Like every great actor who ever played the punches to make their memorable Hollywood mark or under any bright lights, Don’t Stop Believin’ your dreams!

I tried to source why we equate dreaming with our desired achievements, accomplishments, and goals from personal to professional. I actually couldn’t find a real answer. I did find heaps of articles about deciphering dreams, which you’re free to search on the web at will. During my search, I stumbled onto this thought-provoking article about defining your ‘dream’ in terms of your life purpose and success. Also, I ran across this lovely list of how we use the word ‘dream’ in various ways, which lend it’s positive, more negative, and playful connotations. My favorite reference in this list may be the “manic pixie dream guy/boy”.

The most audacious element about dreaming is there are no guidelines and no barriers. You may dream exactly anything you choose to be, do, or desire. There is no limit to dreaming, as you’re welcome to as many as you like. Your dream may encompass your entire life’s work. You might think a dream into being and promptly find it waiting on your doorstep, or you could bump into it tomorrow. You may change your dream many times. Dreaming is a gutsy proposition. Despite being raised primarily in a farming town far from the city as a young gal, I believed I could one day try out to be a prima ballerina. My doting parents annually took me to see the famous Nutcracker ballet put on by the Columbia City Ballet. I longed to be a lead dancer until a day I gave up that dream to follow another.

For this small town girl, I later traded everything I knew for so much I didn’t know to follow a last-minute dream to make it in Hollywood production land. I wanted it suddenly, but equally, I wanted it badly. I’d literally been having dreams of what it would be like to live in California since age thirteen when my family visited for the first time. I have a clear memory of two specific dream goals from that early twenties age of packing up my South Carolina world to settle in California on my own.

First, I wanted to work for someone important and well known. I didn’t understand or imagine the idea of working with celebrities at that time. However, being fascinated with cameras, I was in tune with the directors of our 1990’s era when I relocated. It took me less than two months to land an internship with Oliver Stone. Career aspiration dream goal #1 achieved, with #2 not far behind. Secondly, I’d quickly acquired a dream after noticing new entertainment industry friends and co-workers names on the big movie screens when I went to the cinema. I hoped to see my name in the credits scroll on a major movie theatre screen one day. In less than two years, me, my family, and friends could enjoy my dream with me when the controversial Natural Born Killers hit the theatres!

Halloween is a perfect date to try on some of your dreams. Our Western world celebration especially applauds the idea you can costume yourself to the hilt for this occasion. Fancied yourself a brain surgeon, lawyer, Royal Princess, boat captain, cheerleader, Miss Universe, a lion, an astronaut, or so much more — this is your day. I find it endearing that we seem to cater to the dress up of our character selves more readily than we encourage the real-life attempts many times. I’ve never been one to care much for those who admonish anyone for dreaming big. I’m one for praising the potential, regardless of perfection or possibility. Speaking of cheering on your beautiful beliefs, some awesome people made a Dream Big film I think will edge you onward.

Sweet dreams!




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.