Environmental Empress

3 min readApr 22, 2024
Closeup of a yellow flower with red striations and showing the top middle part of the flower with a cherry-red splotch that appears shaped as a heart, flanked by an out of focus couple of purply-pink flowers and bright green grass background
Heart Her Back, Photo by BradensEye as found 2022 in Murraywood SC delighting in a bestie’s family garden


Your Mother
By going green
Footprint-savvy influencers unite!
Do it
Since you resist imagining a lack of survival
Employ positive emissions
Holistic thriving
Environmental Empress

The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy. ~Joshua Becker

Human being is all about human doing. The mutuality of both your actions and what you renounce. Everything has always been about the attitude of whatever you can affect. That which you can do to make the difference for your singular sphere onward to the big orb. Entitled demeanors never beget sound solutions. Distractions are contractions that I think we ought to befriend. We need to get to the roots of why it’s so easy for us to ignore ourselves as the dilemma. Of course, I understand the boon of efficiency, yet without the expense of existence. Not to go so morbid on y’all, but to press my pointer firmly, if even once you’ve had to face a beloved slowly perishing I bet you’d wish to end their suffering too. Our Mama Gaia deserves at least that respect for all of her offerings and carrying our weight so long. We must choose the nurturing of nature to keep receiving her succulence.

While it’s a lenient reality that the majority of our developed world won’t resolve supply chain around their short-sighted seemingly value-added plastic use, many facts alarmingly remain. The globe doesn’t retain its verdant ventures with people irresponsibly consuming and discarding their refuse. Earth to plastics, for the love of god, get your abuse under control! Our obsessions have eternally led to our downfall. Just because you won’t be here in the future moment when the crisis has reached an inescapable pace shouldn’t amount to any sense of reasoning to disclude you from the present problems. Those who know me are quite used to me talking about not purchasing ‘untouched’ items such as clothing. I constantly pose the ideal that if all stores closed except second-hand, upcycle, and garden fresh shops. A step further would be limiting our garments to renewables only. Denying fast fashion and fast food.

Ah, things ain’t what they used to be ~Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) by Marvin Gaye

Could you ever allow your health to be a convenience? If your prosperity was on the line, wouldn’t you do anything you’re able to make it better? I doubt you’d give over your life to something inanimate. I dare say for us all, no way! Vigor is vital. Besides, wellness isn’t solely a mankind issue, it’s a merciful matter for every living iota upon our whole spinny space. Par exemplar, plastics aren’t entirely fantastic. Reckless times continually call for a plastics makeover. What came before our plastics craze are items largely still available and operational. We have to care enough to rearrange our desires. Everyone is an essential part of our planetary chain reaction. No-kill isn’t purely a shelter slogan. We are the greatest threat to and the best asset for saving the terrain, plus, therein, our terrestrial asses. The notion that transparency of how we utilize is the answer to any questions we’re asking or the ones we have a duty to speculate.

Want more, waste not. Certain types of sacrifice are truly keen advice. Simply anticipating that someone else is gonna spare your aura the pollutant pain is insane. Don’t derail your conscious logic. The tradition of plastics recycling alone has returned us ridiculously low percentages of support. Although, I maintain the practice until stronger options prevail. I regularly dumpster-dive to sort materials wherever I stay or sometimes in public places. If each of us would fully commit to greenify: smarter instead of absent-minded. Sustainable hope has begun with an international Plastics Treaty proposal. Americans can help by personally involving your name in ambitious agreement urging President Biden to align for a reuse economy. Join nonprofit plastic pledges, donate to charitable campaigns, or merely busy yourself with becoming a badass biodegradable boss in your own home and locally. We are the conservationists we seek.

Above greenery, a tall road sign in matching green with white writing stating in all-caps “PLASTIC FREE ZONE” with untranslated East-Indian writing beneath it, against a bright blue sky speckled with clouds
Priority, Photo by BradensEye coaxing adaptable plastics crusaders with her 2006 India image

Ecoholic your heart out!




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.