I Tell Lies All of the Time

4 min readMay 31, 2024


Color street art photo on a wall of some blue background with a prominent white ‘talking’ bubble with the words/phrases stacked in all capitalized black lettering: “REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES”.
Epiphany, Photo by BradensEye in West Village NYC 2017

Thinly Veiled

I tell lies all of the time
Personality posing
Unreliable narration
Par for the usual
Untrue news

The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyone’s comfort. ~Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

Liar, liar, life’s on fire! I’m giving myself up for the sake of everyone’s mental health marbles. I’ve deduced that most individuals have allowed themselves some sort of fibbing once in a while. It’s like we’ve all been thrown onto this same playground before and the majority of us are merely trying to ever make sense of the safest spot not to be bullied. I believe that I do it because caretaking is my default. It certainly isn’t an upfront effect of me preferring double-dealing internally nor outwardly. As a global society, we’ve also let a lot of folks that we look up to from our presidents to politicians, celebrities or athletes at least, feed us tall tales with rare accountability. Although, whether consciously crafted, exaggeratedly overblown, intentionally eliminating, laying down a whopper, pure sloppiness, sociopaths, or whatever color spectral from classic white to darkish, Pinocchio syndrome is always concealing something.

With the remote in hand sliding fast toward the volume, she asks if it’s okay to turn up the noise on the currently blasting (in my opinion, who hovers at 8 to her 16 setting) blathering media yelling at us from the television. I speak a very minor boldfaced lie “Yeah, no problem” since 1) I don’t pause long enough to usher myself space to state the opposing NO 2) I worry her wrath, eyeballs, admonishing resentment, or a soup of them all 3) It’s not my house, so not my choice (pushed farther aside); so I rationalize not the place for my wants, even as a visitor, regardless of my role during my stay 4) Of course I can go upstairs to tuck myself in a quiet corner, distant from the sounds, and where I then undergo isolation which is another trouble unto itself, joined by a lack of seating support, compared to the communal family room arena. This might not seem a big issue, but the repercussions represent a grievous streak of negation.

Honesty is such a lonely word ~Honesty by Billy Joel

Lying is just too easy. It wraps and warps itself with the mundane to the utterly insane moments. Falsehood has become a neighborhood that I frequently tread whenever I create a perceived need for it protecting me. This is what they call a sticky wicket. Mucho bottlenecks that multiply as we don’t deftly choose and that ultimately execute confusion. How it’s still so hard for me to be authentic around the clock, at my bloody age of 54 no less, is my therapist’s cash cow. Many of my sincere feelings aren’t living at surface level. I’m not fully sure why my gospel doesn’t simply float out of my throat as swiftly as an avoidant version. I’m both irked by and wish to emulate others’ casual veracity cachet. Only, we’re not on the receiving end of scoring any wins therein. Coming cleanly forward in all relationships, irrespective of triangles or straight to otherwise, involves the sanctuary of stability.

Accuracy has never been an absolute. I mean, it’s positively preposterous to think that there’s a single soul who can make it all the way through their entire existence devoid of any fabrication. Humans being candid results in quite a range. We must learn the price of disconnecting from people who’ve already detached from us. It’s the golden rule of what suits you won’t automatically be someone else’s cup of tea (or tv, haha). Differing from the inventions we’ll undertake to carry out security. Plagiarised or primitive and in spite of any virtues. I’m more buttoned up than I act. I portray the part of an open book, as I’m offering fiction where reality ought to be revealed. Deceitfulness with ourselves is a disorderly punishment. We shouldn’t make it so sketchy for us to be heard. Our humbleness is often followed by a tumbling. Keeping us rumpled from the reign of fear to be genuine. Yet, aim away from presenting as a traitor to yourself.

Color image of a brick wall painted white with the street art of bright red splotchy hand prints all around a black spraypainted Frankenstein-esque female seemingly wearinga long cloak, hands at her chest maybe with a justice scale or something held, and in the same bright red graffiti color writing across her sklirt stating: “CAMOFLAUGE DOESN’T HIDE EVERYTHING”.
Seek Instead of Hide, Photo by BradensEye in LES NYC 2018 featuring the late Jef Campion aka Army of One/ JC2

Flying our honorable flags is a matter of trust.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.