Independently Wealthy

4 min readJul 3, 2020
May Her Freedoms Ring True for All of You, Photo by BradensEye

Prosperity is the psychology we can’t afford to waste. For me, the path of accumulating luxury started to alter in my late twenties. Having entered a world of excess through the arches of celebrity homes, flamboyant movie sets, and a handful of friends with other friends in very ‘high places’, I was seeing firsthand the appearance of how those loaded with cash didn’t evade mental lunacy. In fact, they were often more prone to its insanity. Our sense of values shouldn’t be coming from the size of our bank accounts or extraneous modes. Rather, affluential capital gains ought not to be taxing us so much as turning us on to striking richness within our self-sufficiency realm of pleasurable health. The art form that strokes us ever so benevolently is being independently wealthy in body, mind, and spirit. Wellness is the missing currency everyone deserves to be individually investing in.

The role of the artist is exactly the same as the role, I think, as of the role of the lover…. If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see. ~James Baldwin, “The Black Scholar Interviews James Baldwin”, Conversations with James Baldwin

Wealth as a term invites the bounty of possessing a cornucopia of resources. When we think about what we need that we can’t readily point to we tend to fall short in producing it easily. For the most part, we’re substantially well-off to live…




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.