
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Color photo of the rear and bodies of 7 piglets feeding from an indoor trough, with all of their heads down, during daytime with light streaming inside the dirt floor, wood-framed pen with a rtocky exterior in view.
Oink if You Empathize, Photo by BradensEye featuring lovely littering


Ways of holding
Without choking on your fat
Prudently placed
Loaning before owning
Utilization guru
Spare sage

Hoarding does not discriminate on the basis of income or intellect. ~The Trauma Cleaner by Sarah Krasnostein

Riches arenā€™t always wrapped in materialism. Although, I acknowledge that itā€™s likely easier for me to make such an affirmation with my luxe-adjacent life laps. Since my teen employment age, I became exposed to VIP extravagances, regardless that I couldnā€™t afford them. Still, from what Iā€™ve seen, First Worlders have this big piggish emphasis thatā€™s uninhibitedly proclaimed through today as normality prevalence. These rules about rampant amassing that I think are bluntly harassing us. Very few celebrities that many generations look up to showcase how small their footprint is. Rather, weā€™re inundated by all of their goods. Instead, Iā€™m self-satisfied to promote that most of my prized ā€˜possessionsā€™ have become two esteemed assessments: people and memories. However each is as perishable as the tangible tokens, they are far beyond worthy next to dollars dropped for me or anything Iā€™ve ever bought.

Declutter fluttering is my ongoing endgame. While itā€™s taken me a couple of decades to fully gather my gestation in minimalism, I do think that porking out is better for eating than stockpiling. Yet, Iā€™m as culpable as just about every human Iā€™ve met, house and pet sat for, family or friends that Iā€™ve known in the sense that Iā€™ve accumulated and held onto excess. Even with my gypset gallivanting, old habits of saving more than is necessary into any crevice of my bags Iā€™m lugging is a real weighty pain. That monstrous ā€˜somedayā€™ science. When an adequate actuality occurs in which fancy dresses get worn weekly, the ancient china dishware serves its stunning function, and ample guests are rotating your stacked surplus of towels, toiletries, food supplies, or further. Where weā€™ve convinced ourselves that thereā€™s a significant enough day that will arrive when all of our untouched is gonna be put to use.

Might as well share, might as well smile ~Little Bitty by Alan Jackson

Fine swining hipness isnā€™t an everyone refrain. That reputation of niceties sans a load of abandoned leftovers. Purebred accrual often happens naturally, as we simply follow the populace and stop rocking sovereignty. Where Iā€™ve come to define extreme amounts of stuff according to pudgy spaces that give me the willies plus individuals who either canā€™t sustain their heaping behavior and/or the costs all the same. To me, it isnā€™t decidedly about the number of items you have, as itā€™s whether youā€™re honestly comforted surrounding yourself and anyone who camps with you by the common too much amok. Hence, a divide and conquering mentality works wonders for me. I go about separating myself categorically by requirements and wishes. Iā€™m of the mind that if youā€™ve got plenty of something youā€™re made prosperous if you hook others up by spreading that wealth around.

Relatively reflective as the recent months have gone caused me to clock my ephemeral judgy opinions rearing their ugly head again. I found out that someone I adore is afflicted with a releasing process. I eventually scrubbed my thoughts sufficiently backward. Once upon a time, my 6x12 personal storage unit plot was pretty filled to the gills. Initially, I wasnā€™t able to walk into my 2006 entry. Gradually that flipped. Presently, purging has been one of my super splurges low these near-eighteen years of having a personal vault versus a home. Iā€™ve written a lot (ex, Subtracting Addition) about my whittling the cargo of my repository (ex. Donations Doula). For example, Iā€™ve now instituted copious borrowing compared to what the majority maintains custody of during existence. I try to only carry and procure what Iā€™ll completely wield and waste. Living high on the hog doesnā€™t have to equate to avarice. Buy yourself an abundance remedy via squealing for downsizing deals.

Color photo of an open front interior of a narrow storage unit with boxes and bins stacked on either side and at back, but not jam-packed. Also, 3 graphic light-pink hearts with the word ā€œkeepā€ on them and 1 ā€˜broom sweepingā€™ graphic on the middle cement floor.
CONTENTed, Photo by BradensEye featuring her entirety contained

Letā€™s farm our inflated needs and wants.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.