Lessen Planz

3 min readJun 17, 2024
Color photo with a hint of bright blue daylight of a cream-colored exterior building wall street art black-n-white midshot image of former President JFK with a word bubble coming from the right-viewer side of his head, in which there is text in all caps white backed by red, two words layed out like a cross at the letter “A” stating vertically “TEACH” and horizontally “PEACE”.
And Also With You, Photo by BradensEye featuring Teachr


Being considered ‘classy’
Dialing down
Has left most towns

Our goal is not the victory of might but the vindication of right… ~John F. Kennedy

Too many people are preaching instead of teaching these days. And although I’m not referring to your pastor or any related religious affiliate, I recommend that you be cautious about of what comes out of those pipes as well. Some could argue this beam of consciousness is on that lineup. Still, I’ll decant that we aren’t looking after one another. Neither are we placing humans in positions as if they’re our own feet. Supposed specialists to neighbors, family, or coworkers act so quick to throw barbs before researching what’s behind words and actions. Shredding others’ opinions without examining any reasoning and canceling their fellow individuals versus creating a syllabus of conjoined service. Self-proclaimed experts on every topic imaginable clamor simply to debate. Compassion seems to be a figure of misconstrued maddening speeches and certainly a lost art.

This globe has become emotionally gross. Our planetary population is playing a very good victim. Albeit the kind that shuns therapy or doing any type of efforted curriculum of support. Rather than each of us studying to better our relations, we’re okay with normalizing these niche crowds pontificating what our eardrums favor. We aren’t training our brains for togetherness. We’re easily faulting outwardly, while weakly refusing to listen to all of the sides. The news gyrates maniacs sooner than mentors. Knowledge has always powered. However, one cannot truly be knowledgeable if they’re merely regurgitating screwy criticisms compared to confirmed truth. It’s masterful mindfuckery for the masses. Where vulnerability need never apply, as those souls are sadly a shoo-in. I’ve been feeling that our thinking is violently congested. I hate that the world likes us at odds.

This is not a test, it’s not a drill ~Peacekeeper by Fleetwood Mac

We must put best practices to use, not solely point out where different bodies aren’t distributing as such. A reinvention of proper integrity ethics is urgent. I get that it’s hard to see someone else’s POV. I just declare we shouldn’t stop trying. Overall, it’s a weird space to be in when my preferred mode is not wanting to talk to anyone. When my daily excitements are driven by how high my senses score on solo ventures. My morning walks amongst nature allow me to consult with the bunnies, birds, flowers, and the sporadic porch pooch. The car rides by myself give me a glossary of songs to fill me or an audiobook plugin from my phone that may pump my morals. Especially those televised moments that I’m a loner at a house and can elect learning or the awesome off button. No matter, I believe that collecting ourselves as one wholly inclusive culture is of life-and-death.

Everyone’s more upset than they care to connect. Their heads don’t consistently appear attached to any hearts. I don’t mean to lecture. Yet, I do seek educated solutions. I’m incensed because there are so few places to turn to with trust, to live that settle security, or to find safety in numbers. The latter is the leading disturbed succeeding disruption. Funny enough, only not the haha brand, even friends are falling every which way. I’m hesitant to open my mouth. Regardless, folks go about spouting whatever they suspect you ought to conform to accept. Gosh forbid if you disagree. While my economically historic hero (aka Dad) was imparting shared perplexities with me recently, I was reminded of the values of respectable tools. We sat chatting over universal oppositions. Naming the plethora of failures and wishes we’ve made as to how those same futures may be evaded. Sublime schooling is a living tutelage

Color square image in sunny daytime of the author’s shadow bottom left corner of the photo pointing a shadow finger at an etching on a round stone sculpture ball stating “TEACHERS FOUNTAIN” and below it an inscription “Dedicated to all who educate and inspire.”, resting atop a stone floor, with a small toddler in swim trunks on the far right side of the ball.
Be Dedicated, Photo by BradensEye featuring Teachers Fountain

Let’s all choose to be alumni of love.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.