Mingling With Mending

4 min readAug 22, 2022
Hot Topical, Semi-Selfie temporary melanoma upcycle

Running at the speed of shielding. Welcome to my twenty-first-century freshie tempo. Wowzers, (eyeballs graphically beware) the lessons we weave! Circa summer 2020 I took on the art of ultra protection moding from that blatantly cocky ball of fire in the sky screaming at us daily. Punctually, on a typically sunny Maui Saturday, two years ago to this very date the world crushed against my doorstep. Actually, it was a phone call that melted my heart about my body being broken. Only not in the fond or usual pieces kind of way. It was that cerebrally specific ‘you have cancer’ that’s not physically hurting you yet a manner of doctors speaking. Due to the ill-fated dermatological discovery, I’ve since spent most of my hours shouldering the weight of carcinoma’s crappy scourge. Rather than baring myself to soak up a bronzing tint, I’ve become a queen of mingling with mending.

They say if you want something different, you have to do something different. ~Kat by Jennifer Lopez, Marry Me

I did not come to hate the sun. I was conceived by a couple of the biggest sun-worshipers anyone’s ever known. By default and with choice, I was raised to be a flaring fan. I bestow that I might be one of Sol’s greatest groupies too. I often think that I was birthed from a soup of sunshiney rays, blue heaven foam, mermaid winks, and anything related to the goddess seascape basking mood. I believe that…




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.