Natural Divinations

4 min readSep 26, 2022
Eco Elixir, Photo by BradensEye

Scenic wildlifery. You won’t ever tire me by sneaking in supple seconds of grassy freshness. Whenever I need to fatigue any specks of disheartening happenstance, I arrange for a date somewhere within the unbounded budding of primitive blades. There are certain inherent spheres that speak to each individual’s soul. I believe that rooting in the most native ways keeps us from rotting from the outside inward. As well that organically learning garners us bushels of goodness, should we take the time to match the leaves to berries to plantastic options for delivering our ease to healing. For fast-acting relief, I encourage you to try cozying with the jamboree that is our botanical equilibrium. Maybe it’s because whenever I convene with the living personalities that talk a completely different compelling virtuosity. Let me go hobbit hopping or propose a pushin’ daisies polka and you’ll be given a gal romancing her natural divinations.

The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one and it would not be a wasted life. ~Katsumoto by Ken Watanabe, The Last Samurai

I love getting off on ginormous greenery leanings. If there’s a single deity that I prefer to offer the majority of my prayers and pleadings to it would be that princess that is our environment. She is this endless carpet of royalty for me. Always rolling out more awe-struckery in every new leaf or…




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.