No Puff Piece

4 min readNov 13, 2020
… I Am, Selfie contemplating Kendrick Lamar

Shoveling our own sh*t out of the way is quite a load. It’s difficult to remain planted, as in both of our Goody two-shoes firmly grounded at all times. When devious addiction to crippling attachment, accusatory blame, or all levels to layers of humiliation race amuck we’re swept into a flurry of floundering. But, the investigation of exhuming the facts breeds the nuggets of development compulsory for transfigurating the math of equating our utmost evolution. Whether we’re talking individually, nationally, culturally, or globally doesn’t matter. The same applies for everyone to everything. Where we’ve been heavily clobbered, are navigating a smackdown with another, or reek of sluggish sacrifice, I submit you’re evidently asking the universe for an upgrade. The principle of no puff piece is aiming for the candy aspect of candor. As we wrap ourselves in morality we ramp our odds of triumph.

… no legacy is so rich as honesty. ~William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well

My personal celebrity is rooted within blockbuster shards of arrogant errors. If I didn’t know better, I’d use the phrase “I’ve had a boner for blunders” far longer than is penetratingly passionate by any length of comparison! (Not to mention, I’m a babe. Who, despite my bisexual exploratory moments, has zero current interest in pretending to take the male lead.) Yours truly has put in extensively laborious decades maintaining…




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.