Shock O’Clock

3 min readMay 10, 2024
Image bled to edges side by side filling the entire photo of sensationally awful news headlines clippings, with words such as: terror, murder, guilty, slayer, destroy, shot, rampage, shock.
Covered, Photo by BradensEye featuring the late Dash Snow’s poster from The Hole’s POSTERMAT exhibition

Doubting Our Powers That Be

Muting won’t even compute
we can’t ignore
Governmental whoring
on every corner
Shock o’clock

where does it hurt?

it answered
everywhere. ~
what they did yesterday afternoon by Warsan Shire

I wish we had a remote control for the planet. To be able to doctor the channels when any vein is too delusional for us. Especially to definitively shut it all off and merely convene in nature or whatever similar salve we’re needing. Every single outlet is laden with offensive turmoil. Lands near and far full of incensed ineptitude that we’ve abetted. While 2024 is one of the most politically charged periods in my American history. Candidly, this place isn’t the warm fuzzy I used to be able to find space to be excited about. I hear myself explain to friends that I’d rather meet them beyond US borders, protectively prohibited limitations on locales included. I want to live in a safe country. I mean, who the hell doesn’t!?! But, where would you tell me to go? It’s a super shaky state of global affairs that this query doesn’t clearly and immediately produce a long list of options. These plagues don’t just leave us alone.

However, fleeing won’t solve all freedoms. Yet, we also mustn’t turn blind eyes or simply pray away problems. We’re equally delinquent as those reprehensible perpetrators if we don’t talk, share, and task our way into knowledge. The consequences are comprehensive. If you believe that they’re hiding from a strike on you, I think that’s an unfair reason to remain aloof. So much of my attention is arrested by these widespread debilities. Real change requires responsibility from everyone’s awareness. Why we have such a restless mess is a result of decades (centuries?!) of incompetence. Curbing the immoral is like trying to contain a meltdown. No matter whether it’s nuclear or a physically emotional mentality mishap cataclysm. Yes, it strokes that winded wordiness if you’re in the midst of it. My brain has lodged within my chest which seems as if an unfluctuating occupation of compression these latest years.

Behind the tears, inside the lies ~People Help the People by Birdy

It feels as if humans should be receiving hazard pay. Will dread ever be dead to us? My own ‘United’ country is once again oxymoronically failing its citizens. Lefty authoritarian to libertarian, through any sense of centering, and every cranny in between. Denying aplenty as in the Alice Paul constitution amendment verbiage supposedly giving each of us “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” Along with an international population of inflatedly coddled fools. It’s been a tragic series of listening to the news. I’m so drained from how disqualified we are as a race, #homosapiens not electing enough for our betterment. Forget the TikTok ban bill (although reliable voices are crucial), it’s the tick-tockery generational timing mockery that’s being made of our livelihood. If only we could block the same amount of energy put into scathing entanglements.

A host of phobic triggering pulses our pendulum. I’ve survived not birthing children, one abortion, many VIPs including icky intuition overlaps with Jabba the Weinstein Hut in his heyday, the Northridge earthquake, hurricane Earl, Montana floods evacuation, a still-diagnosing rape, and heartless stalking abuse. So, when we criminalize what women choose to do with their bodies, following ages of uplifting their privileges it slices me open to engage. As we allow the arming of teachers with guns in 33 of our 52 states, Arizona repealing of 1864 abortion ban, clashing of police arrests and rioting with Pro-Palestinian student protests, plus lest we miss the point of the enormity of facts identical to the Ukraine war which is not over. The worst kind of viral there is the unstoppable erosion of our priorities. Instead, we ought to reorient maximizing the personal prominence of respect.

Blue screen background with quote in white, bold, all uppercase letters stating: “THE ONLY THING NECESSARY FOR THE TRIUMPH OF EVIL IS FOR GOOD PEOPLE TO DO NOTHING.”
Do-Gooder, Photo by BradensEye featuring a screen-grab: RIP Alexei Navalny quote from the NAVALNY doc

Ranting has become my avenger artillery reservoir.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.