Sunny Review

4 min readApr 12, 2024
Selfie midshot of the female story author grinning at the camera, wearing baby blue sunglasses and a black bikini top, while seated in the shade
Shady ~ Not ‘Shady’, Selfie in my safety zone


rude attitude
Radically radiant
Sunny review

Some people are so much sunlight to the square inch. ~Walt Whitman from Walt Whitman’s Camden Conversations May 16, 1888

I’m having trouble holding my head up high. However, this isn’t what you think. I don’t have an esteem issue (at least not today). I’m not suffering or managing any bone issues that would screw with my spine cranking me out of place. Nope, I’m not of a younger generation velcroed to my phone device coupled by the classic tilt in the downward gravitational direction. What’s afoot is our pronounced season of shine. Those days that I want to be soaking up each of the rays. Meanwhile, I’m a three-time skin cancer survivor. These phenomena collided into me amidst 2020 COVID (warning: click solely if you can handle graphic dermis display). It used to be when I’d romp outside that I strode in honor of our main star. Who’d have thought that instead, I’d be chasing the ebony effects in a non-toned manner? Ergo, why I’ve got a grumpasaurus posture adjustment to preservationally persist to remedy.

You’ll most recognize those of us with this burden because we are the ones wearing well-brimmed hats, full ankle leggings, long sleeves, jackets, dark black or jeans clothing… in the heat no less, plus lathered in sunblock whenever entering the exterior to any structure. Someone cue/d us a constant sun and I’ve had to rewire my alfresco activities. That I’m supposed to be possessed with witnessing the irradiated bursts minus being irritated. It’s become a contentious practice of pulling the brightness of my personality to the surface when wishing to be different in the luminous shaft of our natural lighting. Yet, we must find our shimmers wherever they may lay. Tantalize me with your tentacles of inviting impressions. It’s certainly saved me some squinting and possibly palpable crow’s feet. You can be the sunniest blazing emblem there is without all the sol. Besides, you can still look sexy in the shade.

Found myself a new vocation
Calibrated motivation ~
Sunshine by OneRepublic

Anyone who loves the sunshine likely conjures an immediate understanding of how easy it is to be exuberantly joyful as if your entirety can’t be held to any lack of confidence. All thanks to that big ball of fire up above, just begging us to walk tall. My relationship with the sun goes back to my beginning. My parents practically lived outdoors. Our entire universe was based upon what happened from sunrise until sunset, heavily baked in the beauty of sheen. That cute little bum-exposed Coppertone girl was the first one I remember hoping to be when I grew up, blonde and bronzed. Only, nary a one stopped to break down for me on how she acquired that epic browned tan. As my family chronically frolicked sans suits in precisely nothing, I followed a naked similarity onward. Yes, sunscreen was around. Although, verbally neglected, let alone the dreaded disease that knocked me into the shadow world at age 50.

Years of (missed) habits, (poor) patterns, and tons of conditioning were built up worshiping my wanders on the sunnier side of life. But it’s often what they don’t tell you that’s what you exactly ought to know. This literally applies to what I’ll call education everyone needs, formal to informally, regardless of your coloring. So, now I pass a lot more hours bending my eyes to the sky during the night. I’ve traded graces of how I formerly adored peering up to feel the sun beaming on my face for the stars that twinkle and shoot for me. Along with another favorite clouds-morphing contest to catch as many creative shapes as I can in splayed spills beneath large lengthy leafed palms or other heavily wreathed trees. I’ve learned that I rather appreciate even the smell of sunshine. How wonderful it makes out with the breezes that blow against my cheeks, hiding from its laser gaze. Since 2021, I’m continually dating the sun with a sense of revised novelty.

Selfie midshot of the female story author’s braided hair with two red bows, focused on her bare upper chest, encrusted in red-inflamed spotches due to dermatology skin cancer cream treatment
Beware of Baring This, Selfie on how I securely spent my Christmas 2021 doing my dermatology combo-cream anti-cancer treatment aiming never to repeat

You just gotta keep switching to flip the staticky stations in your brain.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.