The Hues of Home

4 min readJun 3, 2024


Color photo of a Bermuda beach in broad daylight with two stark shades of ocean turquoise and a deeper bright blue against a lighter blue sky with white clouds complimenting the shoreline waves white foam.
Colorous Caress, Photo by BradensEye fantasizing about a Bermuda return

Mood Zings

As we go
Yokel, bourgeoisie, or blingster
The hues of home
Seating our
Sweet spottery

That this blue exists makes my life a remarkable one, just to have seen it. ~Bluets by Maggie Nelson

I live in color. I know, most of us do. But, I’m primarily referring to how there are exclusive specifications that define me and won’t correspond to each of you. As much as we’ve all hopefully assimilated uniquity, I find that our individual gloating generally pops if we’ve cornered the market on our coziness. Womb sense is essentially people’s first lodging locale. Then, we spend the remainder of time trying to retain the edifice of a good house/keeping. Both your pleasing endurance and the preservation of having a snoozeworthy dwelling. Like an ever-developing scavenger hunt for survival’s echoes of opalescence. Seeking kaleidoscopic ingredients that are in the fabric of our planet. Within any sliver rests an excavation awaiting your potential affinity. Everywhere to anything that has engraved itself upon your heart is what I consider part of your personal prismatic muse.

This realization popped into my thoughts while recently hitting repeat on the new Scorsese giving fans an added reason to salivate over Timothée Chalamet commercial for Bleu de Chanel, which a further epic virtuoso and friend of mine Alfonso Gomez-Rejón worked as creative/assistant director. They reflect on long-held patterns with brilliant use of bouncing between black-and-white with the seriously stylized blues in this latest ad campaign. Even the hint of my ostensibly ingrained preferred electric azure aesthetic alights my entire aura. Marty, as we called him back when I overlapped his career by having the honor to earn little sleep helping to film Casino in Vegas, has a Masterclass that pensively dives into the cinematic coloring hole. It’s a tonic that’s not so ironic when you come down to it. A lot of our reactions to our surroundings and situations can be pinned to the psychology of shades.

’Cause I need another paradise ~Joy of Little Things by When Chai Met Toast

As a wanderlustrous woman who’s been looking for her honeyed humdinger reverberation for quite a duration, all it takes is one bad modality and moodicide moves in. I think that repellent spaces can make anyone temporarily bipolar. In fact, I believe this aspect’s effect has spurred my globe-trottery traversing to be speckled with an abundant manner of oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers as possible. I’ll propose that we’re always responding to the ambit of Crayola’s bonanza. If you’ve ever set yourself amongst a palette that turned you off, you’ll empathize with the vexation commotion of tarnishing. We’re often stormy against the wrong RGB. Meanwhile, I reckon that everyone’s aiming for a pinnacle repose. For me, the resonant color(s) of my starring abodism exemplifies this discourse. Maybe it explains my predisposition toward aquatic livelihood. Those bodies of liquid affect me royally. Near enough to them via a short drive, a welcome walk, or perched at their shores, I evoke goddess energy as if I’m one who’s able to garner everything she ever wanted.

Territorial tints symbolize the core of our whys. Bring on as many turquoise topics and islands from which I may choose to load up my bucket list. Put me next to a supersized splash zone to see all cells of my soul sparkle. I’m simply more authentically expressed if you let me wallow by and in water. Tempt me with your beautifully Belizean, flirty Frenchie, intimately Italiano, spicy Spaniard, tantalizing Mai-Thai, provocatively Polynesian, or any other erotically epic cobalt-related bathing suit foray. I’ve passionately proven to exude extra curves appeal whenever I’m parked in such places. Swirl me in the sapphire of a sexy gentleman’s eyes. A constructive coloring is all about the way I feel when I’m with my best-loved yous. Palpitations that provide those blissful fluttery body somersaults. Provocations of superior swooning. Don’t forget to dust my days with wide cyan-flavored skies. The cascade of cerulean which envelopes me with credence. Muster with lusters that are the pure essence of your being.

Color photo of a giant elaborate kids playground with slides in the middle of a blue swimming pool, with a midshot of a young African-American child in the foreground with her green foam water noodle and donning matching green googles accompanying her bright pink bathing cap and her multi-colored circles bathing costume.
Chroma de Complementary, Photo by BradensEye featuring one of her favored humans + houses of fun

Inhabiting your iridescence is a glistening commitment.




LOVER of life. Especially people, places, philanthropy, pondering, and photography.